Consumers are connected to their phones 24/7, and many consumers feel that they have a very personal relationship with their mobile devices. This personal connection can extend to you and your business, provided that you take advantage of sound mobile marketing strategies and tactics. This initial section lays out the mobile landscape and defines key concepts used throughout the mobile marketing discipline. Discover how mobile is a part of this digital marketing landscape and consider how your company or clients can start using mobile to make existing efforts work harder and be more measurable.

Text messaging, multi-media messaging, and mobile apps are all examples mobile marketing products and services. These are the communication channels marketers can use to reach mobile consumers. The world of mobile services changes rapidly, but there are a few core services in this section that mobile marketers can use to create an engaged audience.

Location-based marketing is one of the biggest advantages mobile has over other types of digital marketing. Location technologies enable marketers to target users based on their location. This means that when a mobile user walks by a store, marketers might have the opportunity to send a discount or deal to lure the consumer into the store. Throughout this section, see how location opportunities enable marketers to reach users when they are in a place to make a purchase.

Cost // Duration :
1 Week

Course Learning Outcomes & Content

Mobile advertising is often a way to break into the view of mobile users as they use their mobile devices. Often, this first contact can set the stage for how you interact with a mobile user. From text ads to banner ads to interstitials and full-page takeovers, see how mobile ads can get your message in front of the right users in an engaging and powerful way.

Syllabus & Course

Mobile measurement is still in its infancy, and since it is so new, reliable numbers can be inconsistent; however, it is still highly useful when leveraged effectively. In this lesson, we will cover the inhibitors of mobile analytics as well as the current possibilities available for measuring mobile campaigns.

After completing this module, you should be able to do the following

  • Explain the importance of mobile marketing
  • Defend the importance of mobile in the current digital landscape
  • Distinguish mobile advertising from mobile marketing
  • Describe how mobile complements other marketing channels
  • List and describe various types of mobile marketing products and services
  • Identify the benefits of various types of mobile marketing products and services
  • Identify differences between MMS and SMS
  • Give examples of location-based technologies
  • Distinguish how the needs of a mobile user differs from the needs of a desktop user
  • Give examples of mobile incentives
  • Recognize how mobile incentives can contribute to the bottom line
  • Describe the rules impacting mobile loyalty programs
  • List best practices for running an SMS loyalty program
  • Explain how the concept of explicit consent impacts location-based mobile services
  • Summarize the importance of local SEO in a mobile-enabled world
  • List the advantages of using location-based technologies to reach mobile users
  • Identify the traits of a powerful location-based incentive
  • Define mobile advertising
  • List ad types available on mobile devices
  • Identify traits of successful mobile advertisements
  • Name KPIs that define success of mobile advertising
  • Describe some general characteristics of mobile users’ activities
  • Express the importance including feature-phone friendly technologies in your campaigns
  • Distinguish how content should differ across various devices
  • Describe some of the major rules and regulations impacting mobile marketing
  • Paraphrase a general code of conduct established by the Mobile Marketing Association
  • Explain the regulations and penalties of major spam laws
  • Summarize the possibilities of mobile tracking
  • Explain specific inhibitors of mobile tracking
  • List metrics that correlate to specific mobile marketing products and services

Who is this Course for?

The Corporate Shepherds’ Mobile Marketing course is for:

Business Executives

Business Owners

Career Changers


Eligibility and Qualification

What competencies will you gain?

By earning this certification, you will:

Develop and implement social media strategies that foster trust and increase sales

Develop and implement social media strategies that foster trust and increase sales

Develop and implement social media strategies that foster trust and increase sales

Develop and implement social media strategies that foster trust and increase sales

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Nike Phillips

Head of Sales , Intel

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