Paid search ads, or PPC ads, are the ubiquitous text ads we have all seen on the right side of a search engine results page. These ads are have been purchased through an auction-based system, which are continuously displayed to users based on search query, user location, time, and other factors. Paid search ads provide an opportunity for companies of all sizes to compete on a level playing field.  In this PPC (Search Marketing) module, you will gain an understanding of how Pay Per Click ads (Search Marketing Ads) work and the value of PPC advertising.

In this training, you will learn that in PPC account when you change one setting, it can sometimes trickle down and affect many moving parts. For this reason, it is vital to have a solid grasp of account hierarchy and account structure. In the entire module, we will defines ad groups, keywords, ads, and campaigns, and he shows you how these various parts are inter connected in a PPC account. 


Cost // Duration :
1 Week

Course Learning Outcomes & Content

When breaking it down paid ads serve as a bridge between your products/services and your website. Therefore, ad copy must be written in a way that creatively enables users to click to a landing page with information they want, and that meets their appropriate expectations.

Syllabus & Course

In this module, we will cover the basics of great copywriting for PPC ads. Learn the different parts of an advertisement and the importance of each. In addition, we will consider the various stages of the buying cycle to gain an understanding of how this affects ad copy. In summary , here are the main topics that will covered  Introduction to PPC , Account Hierarchy , The Buying Funnel ,  The PPC Auction , PPC Targeting Options , Keyword Research , Creating Compelling Ads , Measuring Goals & Bidding Options , PPC Audit.

After completing this module, you should be able to do the following

  • Define Pay Per Click Advertising
  • Explain the main concepts of PPC Advertising
  • Summarize how PPC advertising uses an auction based system to deliver relevant advertisements
  • Recite the three R’s of PPC advertising
  • Give examples of PPC Advertisements
  • List the various parts of a paid search account
  • Explain the hierarchy of how settings can affect an account, a campaign, an ad group, an ad, or a keyword
  • List settings for each part of a paid search account
  • Recite the five main stages of the buying funnel
  • Describe each stage of the buying funnel
  • Match search queries or keywords to a stage of the buying funnel
  • Explain how customers move through the buying funnel and how companies can provide appropriate information to move customers through their funnel
  • Each stage of the buying funnel to, Give examples for ads and landing pages appropriate for a given stage of the buying funnel
  • Summarize the PPC auction system
  • Label ad positions for a given search engine results page
  • Describe the Ad Rank formula and the factors involved with the formula
  • Understand the importance of quality score in determining ad rank
  • Recognize how tracking metrics and collecting data related to your ads will allow you to determine profitability
  • Describe how PPC accounts are structured
  • Recognize that targeting options affect particular levels of an account
  • Distinguish the difference between display networks and search networks
  • List different targeting options available for PPC accounts
  • Identify situations when particular targeting options are appropriate
  • Distinguish between a keyword and a search query
  • Recite the four types of user intent behind search queries
  • Recognize how user intent affects monetization
  • Give examples of different types of keywords
  • Summarize how to use tools to research relevant keywords
  • Explain the process of setting business goals
  • List the key business factors to consider when defining marketing goals
  • Summarize the process of measuring goals using tracking tools
  • List key metrics to track
  • Describe the primary bidding method

Who is this Course for?

The Corporate Shepherds’ PAY PER CLICK Advertising course is for:

Business Executives

Business Owners

Career Changers


Eligibility and Qualification

What competencies will you gain?

By earning this certification, you will:

Develop and implement social media strategies that foster trust and increase sales

Develop and implement social media strategies that foster trust and increase sales

Develop and implement social media strategies that foster trust and increase sales

Develop and implement social media strategies that foster trust and increase sales

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Nike Phillips

Head of Sales , Intel

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